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Registration for foreign estate agents

Are you a professional estate agent working abroad? Under certain conditions, this may allow you to work as an estate agent in Sweden. Here you can learn more about having your foreign professional qualifications recognised and the regulations that apply to foreign educations.

If you are working as an estate agent in an EEA member state or Switzerland, you can have your professional qualifications recognised through an application to become a registered estate agent in Sweden. This means that you can become a registered estate agent in Sweden if you work as a professional estate agent in an EEA member state or Switzerland.

In order to get your foreign professional qualifications recognised, FMI may ask you to go through an aptitude test to become a registered estate agent in Sweden.

If your foreign professional qualifications are recognised, FMI may still ask you to go through an aptitude test before you become a registered estate agent. This is for estate agents not trained in Sweden and who often lack sufficient knowledge of the applicable Swedish legislation.

An aptitude test will cover the legislation specified in points 1-4 of our education requirements (page in Swedish).

The certification that you have taken an aptitude test and passed will be issued by a Swedish university or an individual examiner. This might also take the form of a certification from a university showing that you fulfil the training requirements.
For more information regarding aptitude tests, you can contact the following Swedish universities.

  • Lars Tegelberg, Individual Examiner, tel. +46 (0)73-967 88 43.
  • Annina Persson, KTH, tel. +46 (0)70-810 98 46, e-mail ahpe@kth.se.

Outside the EEA and Switzerland

If you work as an estate agent outside the EEA member states and Switzerland you need to apply for registration the ordninary way and meet the requirements regarding education. 

How to apply for registration (page in Swedish)

Assessment of your foreign professional qualifications

When the FMI assesses your foreign professional qualifications, we review whether the estate agent profession is regulated in your member state, i.e. if there are set requirements for working as an estate agent in the country where you have worked as an estate agent.

If the profession is regulated in the member state you have been working in, your foreign professional qualifications shall be recognised if you have attestation of competence or evidence of formal qualifications required to practice the profession there.

If the work you did as an estate agent in your member state is not regulated, you need to fulfil both of the following requirements.

  • You must have one or several attestations of competence or evidence of formal qualifications issued by another state within EES or Switzerland.
  • You must have worked as an estate agent full-time for one of the last 10 years or part-time during the equivalent amount of time in an EEA member state or Switzerland. 

How to apply

If you are a Swedish resident you can apply for registration at "mina sidor/My pages" (only available in Swedish). If not, contact us and we will send you an application form which you send to FMI along with the following appendices. 

  • Certificate showing that you work as an estate agent along with certification that you have undergone the necessary training in your member state. The certification must be issued by a competent authority, notary public or a qualified industry organisation in the country in which you underwent training or otherwise gained competence. The certification must be issued by the employer for whom you have been working as an estate agent or mediator of rental properties.

  • If the estate agent profession is regulated in the member state in which you operate, you must provide certification or other form of proof that you have not been prohibited from working as an estate agent in the member state in question. The certification or other form of proof must be issued by a competent authority, notary public or a recognised industry organisation in the country in question. At the time of application, the certification may not be older than three months.

If you are a Swedish resident:

  • A certificate of freedom from trusteeship, issued by the chief guardian in the municipality where you are a registered resident at the time of your registration application. At the time of application, the certificate may not be older than one month.

  • Certificate that you have the necessary liability insurance should you become liable to pay damages as a result of neglecting your duties as stipulated in the Estate Agents Act. The certification should specify whether the indemnity insurance applies for full registration, registration for letting agents or special registration for letting agents.

If you are not a Swedish resident:

Certification that you are not a minor (younger than 18 years) from a competent authority or other official document showing your age. The certification may not be older than three months.

Certification from a competent authority that you have not filed for bankruptcy, or other official body in your country of residence showing that you have not entered into bankruptcy in that country. The certification may not be older than three months.

A certificate of freedom from trusteeship, issued by the chief guardian for Stockholm municipality. The certificate may not be older than one month.

Certification from a competent authority that you are not under trading prohibition, or other official body in your residential country showing that you are not under trading prohibition in that country. The certification may not be older than three months.

Certificate that you have insurance as referred to in Chapter 2, section 8, point 3 of the Estate Agents Act compared to Section 26 of the Estate Agents Ordinance, consisting of a certificate from the insurance company. The certificate should show your personal identity number or coordination number. Additionally, the certificate should indicate whether the indemnity insurance applies to full registration or registration for letting agents or special registration for letting agents

Application and documentation language

The certificates or other forms of proof attached to your application must be written in or translated into Swedish. Documents in English will also be accepted. FMI does not translate documents. It is therefore your responsibility to ensure the documents are translated before submitting your application.

Application fee

When applying for registration, you must pay an application fee. The fee is SEK 2,900. It shall be deposited to bank giro 5128-7407. FMI will not begin to process your application until the application fee has been paid.

Turnaround time

Decisions in matters regarding recognition of professional qualifications shall be made under an accelerated procedure and within three months of FMI receiving a complete application. A full application has been submitted once all the requested documents have been provided.

Senast uppdaterad 2025-01-24

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